時間:2025-02-10 14:14:39 瀏覽次數:
2 月 6 日,宿遷市委書記盛蕾前往泗陽縣調研,到凱麒斯現場指導工作。調研期間,盛書記著重強調,要堅定不移地以習近平新時代中國特色社會主義思想為指導,***貫徹落實黨的二十大和二十屆二中、三中全會的精神,深入踐行習近平總書記對江蘇工作的重要講話精神,嚴格按照省委十四屆八次全會、省委經濟工作會議以及市委六屆十次全會暨市委經濟工作會議的部署要求,秉持 “干” 字為先的理念,敢于直面困難、勇于攻堅克難,全力以赴推動各項工作順利開展,確保開好局、起好步,助力泗陽縣在推進中國式現代化宿遷新實踐的進程中貢獻更多力量。On February 6, Suqian Municipal Party Secretary Sheng Lei conducted a research visit to Siyang County, where she provided on-site guidance at Sunrise. During the visit, Secretary Sheng emphasized the importance of unwaveringly using Xi Jinping’s Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as the guiding ideology. She stressed the need to fully implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, as well as the second and third plenary sessions of the 20th Central Committee. Additionally, she highlighted the importance of thoroughly implementing General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important remarks on Jiangsu’s work, strictly following the requirements of the 14th Plenary Session of the Provincial Party Committee, the Provincial Economic Work Conference, and the 10th Session of the 6th Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Economic Work Conference. Secretary Sheng also emphasized the need to uphold the principle of prioritizing action, face challenges head-on, and actively tackle difficulties, striving to ensure the smooth progress of all tasks. This approach aims to lay a solid foundation for a good start and assist Siyang County in contributing more to the promotion of Chinese-style modernization and the new practices in Suqian.

凱麒斯作為一家致力于提供食品飲料生產線整線工程 “一站式服務” 的現代化企業,近年來在自主創新、研發投入以及數字化轉型等方面成果顯著。公司成功突破了高速多功能柔性無菌吹灌旋一體機、智能后端包裝系統等一系列高端裝備技術,贏得了國內外市場的廣泛認可。新廠房和全系列加工設備的投入使用,更是有效解決了生產場地緊張、產能不足的問題,滿足了客戶日益增長的交付需求。Sunrise, as a modern enterprise dedicated to providing “one-stop service” for complete food and beverage production lines, has made significant achievements in recent years in areas such as independent innovation, research and development investment, and digital transformation. The company has successfully made breakthroughs in a series of high-end equipment technologies, including the high-speed multifunctional flexible aseptic blow-fill-capping integrated machine and the intelligent backend packaging system, earning wide recognition in both domestic and international markets. The new factory and the full range of processing equipment have effectively addressed issues such as limited production space and insufficient capacity, meeting the growing delivery demands of customers.

盛書記都詳細了解企業復工復產的進展,深入探討科技創新的布局以及未來的發展規劃。在凱麒斯智能裝備,她駐足聆聽企業在智能裝備研發、生產等方面的成果匯報,對企業取得的成績給予肯定,同時也對未來發展提出了殷切期望。Secretary Sheng carefully reviewed the progress of the company’s resumption of work and production, and engaged in an in-depth discussion on the layout of technological innovation and future development plans. At Sunrise Intelligent Equipment, she listened attentively to the company’s report on the achievements in the research and development and production of intelligent equipment, affirming the progress made. At the same time, she expressed her earnest expectations for the company’s future development.科技創新是企業持續發展的動力源泉。企業必須進一步加大研發投入,積極儲備***技術,堅定不移地深耕細分領域。凱麒斯要在智能裝備領域不斷做強做專做優主業,勇于突破,在更多關鍵材料和核心裝備上實現國產替代,逐步推動企業向產業鏈、創新鏈、價值鏈的高端攀升,提升企業在***市場的競爭力。 Technological innovation is the driving force behind the sustainable development of enterprises. The company must further increase its investment in R&D, actively reserve advanced technologies, and firmly focus on deepening its efforts in niche markets. Sunsrise should continuously strengthen, specialize, and optimize its core business in the field of intelligent equipment, boldly pursue breakthroughs, and achieve domestic substitution in more key materials and core equipment. Gradually, this will promote the company’s ascent along the industrial chain, innovation chain, and value chain, enhancing its competitiveness in the global market.

此外,盛書記還特別關注企業的生產保障工作。她要求屬地和相關部門充分發揮職能作用,統籌開展節后企業復工復產、用工用能、安全生產等指導幫扶工作。確保企業在生產過程中不出現斷檔情況,保障訂單按時交付,不延誤任何一個發展時機。In addition, Secretary Sheng also paid special attention to the company’s production support efforts. She urged local authorities and relevant departments to fully leverage their functional roles, coordinating guidance and assistance on resuming work and production after the holiday, labor and energy utilization, and ensuring safe production. This is to ensure that there is no interruption in the production process, that orders are delivered on time, and that no development opportunities are missed. 此次調研不僅是對凱麒斯發展的關心與支持,也是對凱麒斯過去發展成果的肯定,更是為凱麒斯未來的發展規劃了清晰的路徑。相信在市委市政府的關懷和支持下,凱麒斯將繼續深化改革,創新發展,推進數字化轉型,不斷提升自身的核心競爭力,為食品包裝智能裝備行業貢獻更多力量,為區域經濟的繁榮發展注入強勁動力,向著實現智能制造強國的宏偉目標大步邁進。This research visit not only reflects care and support for Sunrise’ development, but also affirms the company’s achievements in its past growth. Moreover, it has outlined a clear path for Sunrise’ future development. With the care and support of the municipal party committee and government, it is believed that Sunrise will continue to deepen its reforms, innovate its development, advance digital transformation, and enhance its core competitiveness. The company will contribute more to the intelligent food packaging equipment industry, inject strong momentum into the prosperous development of the regional economy, and make significant strides toward realizing the grand goal of becoming a strong nation in intelligent manufacturing.